Group Pixilation

Groups Ideas for the theme "attraction"

Fiona :
Katie : The attraction between bees and flowers - a bee is so attached to a flower it refuses to go home, because of this it ends up dying within the flower. The death of the bee causes the flower to grow more beautiful.
Michael :  Two suns are attracted to each other and end up colliding and destroying the solar systems they own.
Tyron : We could use a fly to go through computer screens and thus each others story, so we can all work together.

We ended up agreeing Tyron's method of getting around not seeing each other due to lock down, with our own mini stories, and decided to work on our own mini story boards separately, we have not decided completely what the order is but it is likely that Katie's bee dying in the flower for the story to end.

Showcasing the initial storyboard's we all made below - this is not in the decided order of how the story will carry out.

Fiona's Storyboard

Katie's Storyboard

Michael's Storyboard

Tyron's Storyboard

Some of us already started making our characters for this project. Below you see Fiona's elf-like character, Katie's bee that the fly turns into, and Tyron's panda.

And finally, The Finished Project.


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